Thursday, November 15, 2012

Robby Benson--He's not dead yet

So I mentioned Robby Benson in my introductory blog because the other night when I was flipping through the channel guide for something to watch other than football or any one of the plenitude of reality shows such as Hillbilly Handfishing pawn/storage/tow-truck War Pickers available at any given time on any given night, I saw that one channel was playing possibly one of the most cheesy all-time tear jerker romance dramas of the 20th century--the 1978 Ice Castles starring then teen heartthrob Robby Benson and some blond figure skater girl. To summarize: Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, girl is blinded after a freak accident, girl falls into despair, boy helps girl fulfill her dream of skating again, but then at the end, oh no they're throwing roses on the ice and she can't see them and.and  I can't look, she's going to trip and fall...again...the end.

Well, anyway, at the time it was all very sad and dramatic, and it made me wonder..hmmm...whatever happened to Robby Benson, so I grabbed my smart phone and just googled him. Turns out he's a really talented photographer and he's also written a memoir titled, ironically, "I'm not dead...Yet!" You can check it out here at the Robby Benson Official website.

So now you know!

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